Camino Kavanagh
Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs Program


Camino Kavanagh is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Camino Kavanagh was a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where her research focuses on international security, governance, and emerging technologies. She is also a visiting fellow at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, where she is a member of the Cyber Security Research Group.

Kavanagh is a member of the UNIDIR advisory support team to the UN Open-Ended Working Group and Group of Governmental Experts on ICT and International Security, and was UNIDIR consultant/rapporteur to the 2016-2017 UN Group of Governmental Experts.

She has served as consultant or advisor to a number of entities, including the executive office of the UN Secretary-General, supporting the development of the Secretary-General’s Strategy on New Technologies; the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs on digital technologies and mediation in armed conflict; the OSCE on confidence building measures and ICT; the OAS on cyber diplomacy and scenario development; and the government of Switzerland on projects relating to responsible behavior in cyberspace (the Geneva Dialogue) and preventive diplomacy. She has also advised non-governmental groups such as ICT4Peace on a range of ICT-related normative and policy initiatives.

Kavanagh’s Ph.D. was awarded by the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, and focused on information technology and the state, a topic that remains central to her research activities.

areas of expertise
 Ph.D., King’s College London