Christine Balagué
Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs


Christine Balagué is a nonresident scholar in the Carnegie Technology and International Affairs Program, focusing on misinformation and the digital information environment.

A professor at Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT-BS) in France, she founded the Good in Tech research network, focusing on ethics of artificial intelligence, online disinformation, and corporate digital responsibility. This multidisciplinary research network is based on a partnership between Institut Mines-Telecom and Sciences Po, under the aegis of the Risk Foundation.

Christine Balagué is also a member of the ARCOM (French regulator of media) experts’ group on online disinformation, a member of the ethics committee of the French Ministry of the Armies, and a board member of Cap Digital (one of the major European clusters of innovation). She is also a member of the multi-stakeholder EDMO working group for the creation of an independent intermediary body to support research on digital platforms (DSA Article 40).

Between 2013 and 2016, Christine Balagué was vice president of the Digital National Council in France (the president of the French Republic appoints the members) and contributed to different key reports for different ministries on digital transformation impact on society and economy.

Christine Balagué is the author of more than 90 publications in scientific international journals and conferences, as well as books on digital innovation and society. Her diploma is in Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches, Ph Management (HEC), ESSEC, ENSAE Econometry Master. She is also Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite.