David Steinberg

All work from David Steinberg

4 Results
Why Myanmar’s Elections Matter
June 3, 2015

Myanmar’s general elections, scheduled for early November this year, could mark a watershed in the country’s transition from military dictatorship to parliamentary democracy.

  • +1
  • Priscilla Clapp
  • Scot Marciel
  • David Steinberg
  • Vikram Nehru
U.S.-Japan Strategies for Supporting Myanmar
February 25, 2014

The political and economic transformation underway in Myanmar is an important strategic opportunity for the United States and Japan, given the country’s potential impact on the establishment of a stable and prosperous order in Asia based on democratic values and market-based economic policies.

  • +6
Myanmar: What’s Next?
May 30, 2013

Transitioning Myanmar from authoritarianism to democracy and from a planned to a market economy brings unprecedented political, social, and economic difficulties.

  • +1
Myanmar: New Hope and Grim Realities in the Land of Pagodas
May 11, 2012

Myanmar’s political and economic reforms under President Thein Sein have raised hopes and expectations at home and abroad. But Myanmar’s challenges remain formidable.

  • +2
  • Tom Malinowski
  • Anoop Singh
  • David Steinberg
  • Patrick Murphy
  • Vikram Nehru