Emadeddin Badi


Emadeddin Badi is a non-resident scholar in the Counterterrorism Program at the Middle East Institute.

All work from Emadeddin Badi

5 Results
Violence and Social Transformation in Libya
June 20, 2023

Please Join the Carnegie Middle East program for a discussion on the shifting dynamics in Libya and their policy implications.

  • +3
Flames on the Horizon?

Libya may be heading toward new rounds of conflict in the aftermath of its recently aborted elections.

· January 7, 2022
Agree to Disagree: Libya’s New Unity Government

The new executive authority is unlikely to transcend Libya’s institutional divisions, nor break with well-established patterns of intense factional competition within the government.

  • Emadeddin Badi
  • Wolfram Lacher
· February 8, 2021
Libya’s War of the Many

Russia’s increased involvement in Libya marks a turning point in the conflict, making an Ankara-Kremlin rapprochement all the more likely.

  • Emadeddin Badi
· December 17, 2019
In the Media
Libya’s Coming Forever War: Why Backing One Militia Against Another is Not the Solution

As the most powerful external actor involved in the conflict, Washington’s signals matter. Trump’s call appears to rest on a mistaken but well-trodden narrative, advanced by Haftar’s forces, his Arab backers, and his western sympathizers.

· May 15, 2019
War on the Rocks