Etienne Soula

All work from Etienne Soula

4 Results
Europe’s Emerging Approach to China’s Belt and Road Initiative

China’s global rise and its Belt and Road Initiative present a challenge to the shared interest of Europe and the United States in maintaining the rules-based international order.

· October 19, 2018
In the Media
Is Europe Finally Pushing Back On Chinese Investments?

The fact that several European countries are moving to impose restrictions on Chinese investments is noteworthy and represents a major change from just a few years ago. Yet, internal disagreements within Europe on how to approach foreign direct investments remains an impediment.

· September 14, 2018
Can France and the UK Pivot to the Pacific?

With a growing presence and interest in the Indo-Pacific, France and the UK could be valuable U.S. partners in maintaining the regional rules-based order.

· July 5, 2018
In the Media
Continental Drift?

Each year, barely perceptible tectonic movements pull Europe and North America a few inches further apart. These days “continental drift” applies to geopolitics at least as much as it does to geology. But there is still space for meaningful transatlantic cooperation.

· February 15, 2018
Berlin Policy Journal