Ghanim Al-Najjar
Nonresident Scholar, Middle East Center


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Ghanim Al-Najjar was a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center and is professor of Political Science at Kuwait University. He is also director of the Center for Strategic and Future Studies and editor of the Gulf Studies Series Journal, UAE.

Al-Najjar has been a visiting scholar at several universities, including Harvard’s Human Rights Program, Law School, and the Kennedy School of Government. He has lectured in more than 43 universities, academic institutions, and think tanks around the world.

Selected Publications:
“The Challenges Facing Kuwaiti Democracy,” Middle East Journal 54(2), Spring 2000.

All work from Ghanim Al-Najjar

2 Results
Struggle over Parliament in Kuwait

The current crisis over electoral redistricting—leading to the dissolution of the National Assembly and new elections set for June 29—is unusually sharp but by no means a first in Kuwait's 45-year history as an independent nation. If the issue is finally resolved, it could open the way toward a broader discussion of representation including the issue of possible legalization of political parties.

· August 18, 2008
Is There Still a Political Reform Agenda in the Middle East?
February 6, 2007

The session, part of the Carnegie Endowment's NEW VISION launch, examines the state of the Arab political reform agenda, what can be expected in terms of political change in the region, and what the U.S. efforts should be to promote regional reform.