Gisela Nauk

All work from Gisela Nauk

1 Results
Arab Youth Unemployment (Panels I and II): Roots, Risks, and Responses
February 10, 2011

The unemployment rate in the Arab region is one of the highest in the world and Arab governments need to institute political and socioeconomic reforms in order to counter the negative effects of youth unemployment in their countries.

  • +8
  • Lahcen Achy
  • Nada al-Nashif
  • Ibrahim Awad
  • Mongi Boughzala
  • Hana Addam El-Ghali
  • Nacereddine Hammouda
  • Nader Kabbani
  • Samir Makdisi
  • Gisela Nauk
  • Ibrahim Saif
  • Justin Sykes