James Castle

All work from James Castle

4 Results
Is Indonesia Changing Direction?
March 24, 2016

Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo appears to be using his improving political strength and popularity to introduce much needed economic reforms.

Indonesia: There’s a New Sheriff in Town
March 26, 2015

President Joko Widodo’s first four months in office have been anything but uneventful. He has had to confront a series of political challenges from the opposition coalition, the police, his own party, and even his mentor, former president Megawati Sukarnoputri.

Economic Prospects in Post-Election Indonesia
June 23, 2014

On July 9 Indonesians will go to the polls to elect their next president for a five-year term, after a decade of steady—albeit recently slowing—growth.

Indonesia's Performance and Prospects
August 28, 2012

Indonesia—the fourth most populous nation on earth and the world’s largest Muslim country—is a vibrant, decentralized democracy that has enjoyed rapid and resilient economic growth.