Justin Vaïsse
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Justin Vaïsse is the director of policy planning at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This commentary does not necessarily reflect the official position of France.

All work from Justin Vaïsse

3 Results
Is Cooperation Even Possible in an Age of Geopolitics?
January 23, 2023

The Biden Administration’s National Security Strategy depicts a world defined by two countervailing trends: a proliferation of global problems that demand collective action and a resurgence of geopolitical rivalry that complicates that very cooperation.

In Defense of EU Complexity

European foreign policy is not jeopardized by the activism of EU member states. The real dangers are a lack of leadership and a lack of political momentum.

  • Justin Vaïsse
· November 20, 2014
A New Ambition for Europe
November 20, 2014

With a new EU foreign policy high representative coming into office, it is high time for the EU to become the strategic actor it has set out to be.

  • +3