Seen from the Kremlin, Russia’s annexation of Crimea might look like a positive step toward rebuilding a lost empire. Yet on balance, the picture is much bleaker.
- Karl-Heinz Kamp
Seen from the Kremlin, Russia’s annexation of Crimea might look like a positive step toward rebuilding a lost empire. Yet on balance, the picture is much bleaker.
At two upcoming summits, EU and NATO leaders will praise their strategic partnership. The reality is that there is no such cooperation, and there probably won’t be anytime soon.
NATO too should pivot toward Asia—not as a military player, but as an alliance of democracies that has much to offer like-minded countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
How to proceed to bolster NATO’s open door policy, but at the same time not stir up the already precarious relationship with Russia?
It is time to forget about the nuclear free world and tackle the real issues.
A renewed commitment from both sides of the Atlantic is essential to ensuring NATO’s continued success.