Katherine Garner
Junior Fellow, Energy and Climate Program

All work from Katherine Garner

4 Results
The Abundance of Oils in the Water-Stressed Rockies

Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming are stocked with about every type of unconventional oil known today. The states are also ground zero for new oil and water challenges.

Underestimating Oil and Water Challenges in the Northern Great Plains

An oil production boom in the Northern Great Plains is threatening the region’s water resources. Comprehensive management is needed to mitigate the risks.

· August 12, 2014
Texas’s Oil and Water Tightrope

New oil extraction techniques used in Texas threaten the state’s precious water resources. Real trailblazing is needed to protect groundwater.

· March 11, 2014
Mapping California’s Oil-Water Risks

California’s Monterey shale is found in drought-prone agricultural and urban locations with limited water resources, necessitating careful water management and protective measures.

· January 15, 2014