Katja Yafimava


Katja Yafimava is a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. She holds a D.Phil. in Geography and an M.Phil. in Russian and East European Studies from Oxford University. She has been an expert at the UNECE Group of Experts on Gas since January 2015 and was an expert at the EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council during 2012-16. Dr Yafimava is the author of many publications on natural gas issues in Europe and Russia, including “The Transit Dimension of EU Energy Security: Russian Gas Transit Across Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova” (OUP 2011).

All work from Katja Yafimava

2 Results
Podcast: What’s the Kremlin's Strategy on the European Energy Crunch?

Is the German regulator’s suspension of the certification process for Nord Stream 2 technical, or political? Why isn’t Gazprom cashing in while prices are so high, by sending additional gas to Europe? How does the Russian gas giant plan to deal with the global green energy transition?

Moldova’s Gas Crisis and Its Lessons for Europe

The Moldovan crisis has demonstrated that Gazprom’s price will not be higher than the price set by the European hubs, which makes Gazprom a supplier like any other, and may be lower, which could make Gazprom a preferred supplier in countries with weaker economies.

· November 5, 2021