Laura Holgate

All work from Laura Holgate

4 Results
Closing the Gender Gap in Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament
June 24, 2019

Carnegie hosted a presentation of UNIDIR's new report and an interactive discussion on how to close the gender gap in arms control, non-proliferation, and disarmament.

In the Media
The JCPOA Does Not Violate the American Medical Isotopes Production Act of 2012

Despite some arguments to the contrary, limits on Iran’s enrichment capabilities are consistent with the 2002 U.S. law regulating medical isotope production.

· October 22, 2017
Arms Control Wonk
Realizing Fuel Assurances: Third Time’s the Charm?
June 25, 2007

2007 Carnegie International Nonproliferation Conference Panel: Realizing Fuel Assurances: Third Time’s the Charm? Chair: Laura Holgate, Nuclear Threat Initiative; Caroline Jorant, AREVA; Tariq Rauf; International Atomic Energy Agency; Ambassador Pedro Raul Villagra Delgado, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina.

  • +1
  • Laura Holgate
  • Caroline Jorant
  • Tariq Rauf
  • Ambassador Pedro Raul Villagra
Nonproliferation Issues at the Gleneagles Summit
July 6, 2005

A discussion of the nonproliferation issues that are to be discussed at the upcoming Gleneagles Summit.