Lauren Falcão
Junior Fellow, Trade, Equity, and Development Program

All work from Lauren Falcão

6 Results
Migrants and the Global Financial Crisis

Migrants are economic assets for both their host and home countries, but they are disproportionately affected by the global financial crisis. Temporary migration programs and collaboration with migrant-sending countries can help maximize the economic benefits of migration, even in times of crisis.

· December 8, 2009
Regional Arrangements in the Arabian Gulf

The economic success of Gulf regional integration depends on increased cooperation within the service sector and improved administrative capacity in GCC countries.

· August 10, 2009
The Unequal Impact of the Economic Crisis

Large industrialized nations like the United States, Japan, and Germany have benefited from increasing global demand for relatively stable economies in which to invest.

· July 9, 2009
Crisis and the Diaspora Nation

The financial crisis has had a disproportionate impact on migrants, who are among the most economically and politically vulnerable of the world. Host country governments should resist calls to expel foreign workers and instead extend them the protection of social programs.

· June 17, 2009
Financial Transmission of the Crisis: What’s the Lesson?

Ironically, the United States is among the countries least affected by the financial crisis. Financial markets have been hardest hit in Argentina and in Eastern European countries such as Ukraine and Hungary.

· June 17, 2009
The Threat of Protectionism

The economic crisis may force policy makers to revise their view that open borders are a good thing. Now is the time to take bold steps to forestall a protectionist resurgence.

· April 15, 2009