Matthew Lillehaugen
Research Assistant

All work from Matthew Lillehaugen

3 Results
Incumbency in India: More Curse Than Blessing?

The BJP is the front-runner in India’s 2019 elections, but its political standing suggests that dominance could be a liability rather than an asset.

In the Media
The ‘Free and Open’ Indo-Pacific: A Call for European Partnership

The U.S. strategy in the Indo-Pacific is still evolving. By engaging now, European countries would have the opportunity to shape it.

· June 22, 2018
Asia Dialogue
In the Media
Doing Business in India: Myths and Realities

When the Doing Business report comes out this month, the nuances inherent in the data will likely be neglected by commentators looking to score points for one side or the other. Calmer heads should keep certain points in mind.

· October 25, 2017