Scott Vaughan
Visiting Scholar


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Scott Vaughan was a visiting scholar with the Carnegie Endowment’s Trade, Equity, and Development Project. He left in October 2003 and worked on issues related to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and NAFTA. He currently is director of the Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment at the Organization of American States. Before Carnegie, he served as head of trade and economics at the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation; as counselor with the WTO; as the coordinator of environment, trade and finance, as well as senior policy analyst to the Executive Director, at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); and as policy advisor and legislative assistant to the Canadian minister of the environment.

Foreign Language: French

Education: B.A., Mount Allison University (Canada); M.Sc., London School of Economics; M.Phil., University of Edinburgh (UK); M.A., Dalhousie University (Canada)

Recent Publications: "Water Privatization: The Role of the GATS and Interests of Developing Countries" (Institut du developpment durable et des relations internationales, 2003); "The Social Clause, Labor and Environmental Standards, and the WTO," in Trade and Sustainability (Ashgate Press, 2003); Co-author, "Multifunctionality and Trade Disciplines in U.S. Farm Policy" (forthcoming); Co-author, “Canada-U.S. Electricity Trade and Climate Change” in Beyond Kyoto: Canadian Energy Policy in the Sustainable Development Era (University of Toronto Press, 2003); "The WTO Agenda for Environmental Goods and Services," (OECD, June 2003); "Trade Preferences and Environmental Goods (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2003).