Natalia Bubnova
Head of Content Production, Moscow Center


Natalia Bubnova is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Natalia Bubnova was head of content production at the Carnegie Moscow Center. She previously served as deputy director for communications at the Carnegie Moscow Center. Before joining the Center in 2005, she worked for six years at audit and consulting firms, first as senior consultant in Price Waterhouse’s Management Consulting Department and later as marketing manager, then director, at Deloitte with responsibility for Russia and the CIS.

From 1992 to 1995, Bubnova was an associate professor at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and associate director of the University’s Center for International Studies. In this role, she co-directed the Center’s international exchange and outreach program.

She regularly participated in TV and radio programs and had a bi-weekly column on Russia in the Rocky Mountain News. Previously, for nearly eight years, she was a research associate at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies. Bubnova also has extensive editing and translation experience and early in her career worked as interpreter at the Budapest-based Danube Commission.

Ph.D., Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; M.A., Moscow Institute of International Relations
English, French, Russian, Spanish

All work from Natalia Bubnova

28 Results
Russia, EU and Eastern Europe: Vilnius and Beyond
November 6, 2013

Russia-EU relations are of a technical rather than strategic character nowadays. A parallel functioning of the EU and the Eurasian Union would lead to more debate about strategic vision of Europe and the Eurasian continent.

  • +7
  • Dmitri Trenin
  • Piotr Kościński
  • Jarosław Ćwiek-Karpowicz
  • Alexey Kuznetsov
  • Anna Maria Dyner
  • Natalia Bubnova
  • Kirill Koktysh
  • Vladimir Bruter
  • Viktor Mironenko
  • Anita Sobják
Silver Bullet? Asking the Right Questions About Conventional Prompt Global Strike
October 22, 2013

The development of non-nuclear weapons that can strike distant targets in a short period of time has been a U.S. goal for over a decade now.

Russia and the Caucasus: A View from Washington
September 10, 2013

U.S. policy toward the Caucasus has undergone a reassessment over the past few years.

The Features of and the Prospects for the U.S. Policies in the Area of BMD
May 22, 2013

Cooperation between the United Starts and Russia on ballistic missile defense (BMD) remains unlikely.

Missile Defense: Confrontation and Cooperation

Although the U.S.-Russian recent attempts to agree to a joint missile defense system have failed, the imperatives for such collaboration are increasing. Over the coming decade, the two countries should take steps to integrate missile defense systems into the regimes of nuclear disarmament, nonproliferation, and mutual security.

· April 8, 2013
Carnegie Moscow Center
U.S.–Russia Relations: Whither Now?
April 2, 2013

Despite the “reset” of U.S.-Russian relations during the first Obama administration, tensions seem to be increasing between Moscow and Washington.

  • +2
Nuclear Reset: Arms Reduction and Nonproliferation

The concept of nuclear disarmament as an essential condition for nuclear nonproliferation is again entering the realm of practical politics, but the movement toward nuclear disarmament is extremely difficult and fraught with great dangers.

· October 25, 2012
Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center
Strategic Stability in the Russia-United States-China Triangle
October 23, 2012

Russian-U.S.-Chinese relations in the sphere of strategic stability are becoming a popular topic of discussion among politicians, but analytical research on the topic is still in its beginning stages.

World in Their Hands: Ideas From the Next Generation

Solutions to the challenges facing the global community require sharing fresh ideas about politics, economics, social issues, migration and ethnic conflict, religion, and education.

· August 21, 2012
Moscow: Carnegie Moscow Center
In the Media
Why Women Make Russia a Better Place to Live

Women in modern Russia still face a number of challenges, but Russian women and their Soviet counterparts have always been rather independent and active.

· March 7, 2012
The Moscow Times