Neil Partrick

All work from Neil Partrick

8 Results
Saudi Arabia’s Elusive Defense Reform

Aside from controlling arms spending, Saudi Arabia’s defense sector reform remains stalled.

· November 14, 2019
Saudi Defense and Security Reform

Saudi Arabia’s efforts at reforming its armed forces may be more about politics and PR than substantive change.

· May 31, 2018
The Saudi and Emirati Conundrum After Saleh

Since the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are again trying to find a powerful figure in Yemen around whom they can both unite.

· December 18, 2017
The UAE’s War Aims in Yemen

The UAE’s desire to counter Iran and maximize influence over Saudi domestic affairs is keeping it involved in Yemen, where its interests are not always in line with Saudi Arabia’s.

· October 24, 2017
Counterproductive U.S.–Saudi Security Ties

Expanded U.S.–Saudi security cooperation in the region could empower their shared enemies of Iran and militant Sunni Islamists.

· April 5, 2017
Saudi Arabia’s Problematic Allies Against the Houthis

Saudi Arabia is supporting an ever wider range of Yemeni actors willing to fight the Houthis, but their political ambitions and limited capabilities are at odds with the kingdom’s interest in a unified Yemen.

· February 12, 2016
Saudi Arabia’s Yemen Gambit

Saudi Arabia’s lack of clear goals in Yemen is worsening the security vacuum and potentially undermining the kingdom’s national security.

· October 1, 2015
What Does “Reform” Mean in Saudi Arabia?

Reform in Saudi Arabia remains the personal whim of King Abdullah and has not yet had an impact on institutions.

· July 27, 2010