Nicolas Blarel


Nicolas Blarel is an assistant professor of international relations at the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University.

All work from Nicolas Blarel

5 Results
Understanding the Israel-Palestine Conflict with Zaha Hassan and Nicolas Blarel

Zaha Hassan and Nicolas Blarel join Shibani Mehta to discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict and assess some of its broader effects. How has the international society and India reacted to it? And finally, what shall be its likely impact on the future of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

· June 10, 2021
The Black Box of India’s Foreign Policymaking
February 3, 2020

Most studies looking at India’s foreign policy generally overlook how India’s complex domestic polity and bureaucratic apparatus shape the country’s outlook toward the world.

Modi Looks West: Assessing Change and Continuity in India’s Middle East Policy
June 10, 2019

Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has shed its traditional defensiveness toward the Middle East and engaged with all relevant actors in the region, including members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Israel, and Iran.

India’s Security Relations With the Gulf States
December 13, 2016

India’s security relations with Gulf States are changing, but New Delhi needs to develop a strategic and political calculation toward its interests in the region.

  • Nicolas Blarel
  • Ranjit Gupta
Recalibrating India’s Middle East Policy

India’s regional, economic, and, increasingly, security interests are closely interlinked with events in the Middle East, and more particularly with the Gulf.

  • Nicolas Blarel
· April 15, 2016