Despite Russia’s hybrid attacks, Moldova narrowly voted in favor of joining the EU. Brussels must now supercharge its support for the resilience and accession efforts of Moldova and other membership-hopefuls in the neighborhood.
- Oana Popescu-Zamfir
Oana Popescu-Zamfir is the director of the GlobalFocus Center, where she coordinates the organization’s Democratic Resilience Program.
Despite Russia’s hybrid attacks, Moldova narrowly voted in favor of joining the EU. Brussels must now supercharge its support for the resilience and accession efforts of Moldova and other membership-hopefuls in the neighborhood.
Despite embracing democracy, radical-right parties pose a significant challenge to the EU’s fundamental values. European leaders and institutions must address this challenge to safeguard democracy in the EU and ensure a more effective foreign policy.
The EU cannot afford to keep Ukraine and the Western Balkans in the waiting room. A revamped enlargement strategy and internal reforms will have to go hand in hand.
Dimitar Bechev and Oana Popescu-Zamfir discuss the social and political dynamics in the Western Balkans, why EU enlargement to the region has stalled, and how remaining obstacles can be overcome.