Randall Schriver

All work from Randall Schriver

5 Results
The U.S.-India 2+2: A Conversation with Randall G. Schriver
August 29, 2018

On September 6, 2018, the inaugural “two-plus-two” dialogue will take place between the United States and India on diplomatic and defense cooperation.

Assessing Taiwanese President Ma’s Message to America
April 16, 2013

As Taiwan peacefully manages its differences with mainland China, it seeks dignity within the international system and believes it can play a positive role supporting its close unofficial relationship with the United States.

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Building U.S.-China Partnerships: Overview
April 21, 2011

As China surpasses Japan as the world’s second largest economy and continues to show remarkable growth, the importance of the bond between these two countries continues to grow.

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U.S. Policy Toward Taiwan, Time for Change?
March 26, 2008

Ma Ying-jeou’s landslide victory in Taiwan’s 2008 presidential elections signal a shift in Taiwanese politics and an opportunity for better cross-strait relations. The United States must craft Taiwan policy to preserve peace and stability in the region.

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Next Steps on North Korea: Options Beyond Sanctions
October 12, 2006

Carnegie hosted a discussion, “Next Steps on North Korea: Options Beyond Sanctions” with Randy Schriver, a founding partner of Armitage International LLC and a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Alan D. Romberg, Senior Associate at the Henry L. Stimson Center.  Carnegie Senior Associate Michael Swaine moderated the discussion.