Robert Springborg

All work from Robert Springborg

6 Results
Assessing Egypt’s State Ownership Policy: Challenges and Requirements
May 18, 2023

To address Egypt’s economic problems, The MHKCMEC and the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy cordially invite you to a public panel that will unpack these issues and more on Wednesday, May 18 from 5:00 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. EEST, and will feature contributions from Ishac Diwan, Robert Springborg, Hafsa Halawa, and Yezid Sayigh and Timothy Kaldas.

  • +2
  • Ishac Diwan
  • Hafsa Halawa
  • Timothy Kaldas
  • Yezid Sayigh
  • Robert Springborg
Assessing Egypt’s State Ownership Policy: Challenges and Requirements

In the past year, Egypt has announced several ambitious economic initiatives. The Egyptian government will have to overcome major challenges to actually implement those changes.

· May 8, 2023
From Hardware to Holism: Rebalancing America’s Security Engagement With Arab States

U.S. security policy with Arab states has long needed a major overhaul. This compendium presents different arguments and proposals for how the United States can do just this.

Arming for Pandemic: Military Responses to COVID-19 in the Arab World
June 4, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is changing perspectives on governance and how armed forces interact with society, but nowhere is this more salient than in the Arab world.

  • +1
Security Assistance in the Middle East: A Three-Dimensional Chessboard

The United States, Russia, and Iran have chosen markedly different approaches to security assistance in the Middle East, with dramatic implications for statebuilding and stability.

  • Robert Springborg
  • F.C. “Pink” Williams
  • John Zavage
· February 6, 2020
The Egyptian Military: A Slumbering Giant Awakes

The EAF has been a slumbering giant since the late 1970s but appears to be awakening. Increasing threats, pressure from Washington, and Sisi's confidence all play a part.

  • Robert Springborg
  • F. C. “Pink” Williams
· February 28, 2019