Ronit Langer
Scoville Fellow, Technology and International Affairs Program


Ronit Langer is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Ronit Langer was a Scoville Fellow working with Michael Nelson in the Technology and International Affairs Program. Her work focuses on the intersection of biotech and cyber security policy. She is particularly interested in the cyber security practices of DNA screening companies, such as 23&Me, as well as the safety and security of biometric data.

Ronit has a bachelors from MIT in computer science, where she worked on numerous projects in the healthcare space. She has done extensive research for iGEM (international Genetically Engineered Machine), an international synthetic biology competition, and currently serves as their North American ambassador. She has also represented iGEM as a delegate at the Biological Weapons Convention and the Geneva Disarmament Platform.

areas of expertise
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S.

All work from Ronit Langer

2 Results
The Blessing and Curse of Biotechnology: A Primer on Biosafety and Biosecurity

Biotechnology has unlocked vast potential for improving human life, but the risks it poses mean that multilateral safeguards are due for an update.

· November 20, 2020
How Tech Could Help the World Prepare for the Next Epidemic

The global coronavirus response is providing a critical test bed for new technologies to detect, diagnose, and treat infectious diseases. But broader investments in public health are needed to capitalize on these advances.

· March 3, 2020