Tang Xiaoyang
Chair and Professor, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University


Tang Xiaoyang was a resident scholar and the deputy director at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center until June 2020.

Tang Xiaoyang is the chair and a professor in the Department of International Relations at Tsinghua University. His research interests include political philosophy, global modernization processes, and China’s engagement with developing countries.

Tang is the author of Coevolutionary Pragmatism: Approaches and Impacts of China-Africa Economic Cooperation (Cambridge University Press 2020) and has published extensively on the Belt and Road Initiative. Before he came to Tsinghua, Tang worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, DC. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank, UNDP, USAID, and various research institutes and consulting companies.

areas of expertise
PhD, Philosophy, New School for Social Research MA, Philosophy, University of Freiburg MA, Philosophy, University of Tuebingen BA, International Management, Fudan University
English, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish