Thomas Graham, Jr.
Senior Associate


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Thomas Graham joined the Carnegie Endowment as a senior associate in September 1998. His areas of interest include Russian domestic politics - especially leadership issues, center-regional relations, and big business government ties - and U.S.-Russian relations.

Prior to joining the Endowment, Mr. Graham was a foreign service officer on academic leave with RAND in Moscow from 1997 to 1998. He previously had several assignments in the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, including head of the Political/Internal Unit and acting political counselor. Between tours in Moscow, he worked on Russian/Soviet affairs as a member of the policy planning staff of the State Department and as a policy assistant in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Mr. Graham has a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard University and a B.A. in Russian studies from Yale University.