The Central African Republic faces many challenges in adopting digital financial solutions, but it can learn from other post-conflict countries and improve its approach.
- Tomslin Samme-Nlar
Tomslin Samme-Nlar is an engineer and independent researcher interested in high-level management aspects of issues where cybersecurity and strategy interact in Africa. He is a co-founder of the Gefona Digital Foundation and the vicechair of the Generic Names Supporting Organization Council of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
The Central African Republic faces many challenges in adopting digital financial solutions, but it can learn from other post-conflict countries and improve its approach.
A survey of Cameroonian fintech companies shows that they value cybersecurity but do not possess a unified strategy against cyber threats. Awareness campaigns and enhanced regulations could help safeguard the country's financial services sector.
Join the Carnegie Technology and International Affairs program in the launch of a two-part essay series exploring digital financial inclusion practices in countries in Africa. This first part of the series features Fellow Nanjira Sambuli and authors from South Africa, Nigeria, & Cameroon.