Ulrich Speck is no longer with Carnegie Europe.
Ulrich Speck was a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels. His research focused on the European Union’s foreign policy and Europe’s strategic role in a changing global environment.
Since 2009, he has edited the Global Europe Brief, a weekly EU foreign policy newsletter widely circulated among decisionmakers in Brussels and other European capitals.
From 2010 to 2013, Speck was an associate fellow at the Madrid-based think tank FRIDE. Prior to that he worked for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague and Brussels, and in 2006 he was a fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies in Washington, DC.
Speck writes a monthly foreign policy column for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, a leading Swiss daily. He has published widely on German and European foreign policy and transatlantic relations. He co-edited Empire America: Perspectives on a New World Order (Empire Amerika. Perspektiven einer neuen Weltordnung; Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2003), which asks whether the United States can be called an empire, as well as books on the revolution of 1848 and modern anti-Semitism.