Viola Meyerweissflog
Research Assistant, Europe Program

All work from Viola Meyerweissflog

4 Results
2017’s Verdict on European Populism

While populist parties did not sweep the 2017 elections, they did consolidate a significant place in the European political landscape.

· December 20, 2017
In the Media
German Political Upheaval Has Consequences for All of Europe

The unexpected breakdown of the coalition talks risks thrusting Germany into unprecedented political territory, and the rest of Europe into prolonged political uncertainty with some serious potential ramifications.

· November 24, 2017
In the Media
Austria Is a Curious Case of Populism

Sebastien Kurz won Austria’s election by reshaping the image of his mainstream conservative People’s Party and promoting it as a “movement,” centered around his own personality, similar to Macron’s “En Marche!” in France.

· October 24, 2017
The Trump Effect on Germany’s Election and Transatlantic Ties

U.S. President Donald Trump is unpopular in Germany, but Berlin will likely continue to cooperate with Washington where interests align and criticize U.S. policies it disagrees with.