Vladimir Dvorkin


Major General Dvorkin (retired) is a chief researcher at the Center for International Security at the Institute of Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations.

He was formerly a distinguished military fellow in the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Nonproliferation Program. He is also chairman of the International Luxembourg Forum’s Organizing Committee. He was granted the title of distinguished scholar of Russian science and technology in 1993.

Dvorkin previously served as the director of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Fourth Central Research Institute, where he began working as a junior researcher in 1962. Previous to that, he took part in testing the Soviet Union’s first nuclear missile-carrying submarines and the first launches of ballistic missiles from under water as a test engineer at the Central State Naval Test Ground. He holds a PhD in technical sciences.

Dvorkin was one of the main authors of program documents on Russia’s strategic nuclear forces and strategic missile forces. Over many years he was involved as an expert in preparing the SALT II, INF, START I, and START II treaties, during which time he helped shape the Soviet Union’s and Russia’s positions at strategic offensive arms control talks.