Yuan Wang


Yuan Wang is an assistant professor of international relations at Duke Kunshan University. Her research interests include global China, African politics, and the comparative political economy of development. Her book project (under contract with Oxford University Press) investigates why Chinese-financed and -constructed projects develop into starkly different trajectories in different African countries, and her work is featured in Comparative Politics and World Development. Before Duke Kunshan, she was a fellow at the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program and at Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute. She received her DPhil in Politics from the University of Oxford. She also previously served in the China office of the United Nations Development Program and at the Sino-Africa Centre of Excellence Foundation in its Nairobi office.

All work from Yuan Wang

1 Results
African Media Cultures and Chinese Public Relations Strategies in Kenya and Ethiopia

Differing Kenyan and Ethiopian journalism norms have fundamentally shaped the strategies and local relationships of three Chinese firms contracted to build railways in Africa.

  • Hangwei Li
  • Yuan Wang
· February 27, 2023