Policy Ideas

Our scholars from around the world provide decisionmakers with actionable recommendations for addressing the world’s biggest challenges.

truck-sized 30-ton shipping containers are stacked aboard the Hanjin Oslo freighter in the Port of Los Angeles
Time to Reset the U.S. Trade Agenda

The strongest argument for rebooting U.S. trade policy ultimately may not be geopolitics, nor even the economic argument that trade deals will help an already-strong U.S economy. Instead, the best argument is that trade is a key element of solving global challenges that affect us all, like the green energy transition and the risks of AI and the digital economy.

· May 20, 2024
Defending Civic Space in the United States: Lessons Learned Around the World

In a context of democratic erosion, U.S. civil society organizations face a widening array of legal, political, and security threats. They can learn from the experiences of civic activists in backsliding democracies around the world.

· May 9, 2024
Cloud Reassurance: A Framework to Enhance Resilience and Trust

As increasing amounts of information and services are moved to the cloud, a few providers have come to manage the bulk of cloud services. This level of dependence and concentration offers some benefits and risks, but policy action is needed to minimize and manage the risks.

Misfortune to Marginalization: The Geopolitical Impact of Structural Economic Failings in Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon

The food, energy, and debt crises in the Middle East and North Africa have exacerbated structural economic weaknesses of low- and middle-income countries—particularly Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon—creating mounting pressure on domestic political orders and worsening these countries’ geopolitical marginalization.

· January 8, 2024
Examining U.S. Relations With Authoritarian Countries

Relations between the United States and many undemocratic countries around the world vary widely from cozy to conflictive. Understanding the drivers and evolving dynamics of these relationships is vital to grasping the realities of U.S. foreign policy in an age of sharp geostrategic competition.

· December 13, 2023
How Climate Change Challenges the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent

Climate change stands to impact each leg of the U.S. nuclear triad in different and increasingly serious ways. Given the high-stakes nature of the nuclear enterprise, the Department of Defense and other key stakeholders must better prepare for, mitigate, and adapt to these climate challenges.

· July 10, 2023
India and the United States’ Good Bet: One Year of the U.S.-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET)

This article reflects on the iCET’s mobilization since it was announced nearly a year ago and argues why this framework is the best structured bet between India and the United States.

Envisioning a Long-Term Security Arrangement for Ukraine

With Ukraine’s membership in NATO still a distant prospect, Kyiv and the West must reach consensus now on a realistic long-term security arrangement. Codified multiyear commitments to train and equip Ukraine’s military, support for the country’s indigenous defense industry, and clear links to its EU accession process will be key.

· June 8, 2023
How the U.S. Can Better Support Africa’s Energy Transition

The climate and energy policies of the United States and African countries should build on three shared interests—and address three strategic tensions.

· January 31, 2023
Russia’s Wartime Cyber Operations in Ukraine: Military Impacts, Influences, and Implications

Russia’s cyber operations in Ukraine have apparently not had much military impact. This was probably for a multitude of reasons: Russia’s offensive limitations, as well as the defensive efforts of Ukraine and its partners; the particular context of this war, as well as structural features of cyberspace and warfare generally.

· December 16, 2022
A Historical Evaluation of China’s India Policy: Lessons for India-China Relations

Since its founding, the People’s Republic of China has treated its relations with India as subordinate to its relations with great powers such as the United States and Russia. Ebbs and flows in this strategic triangle have had knock-on effects on the India-China relationship.

· December 13, 2022
Autocracy Versus Democracy After the Ukraine Invasion: Mapping a Middle Way

Russia's invasion of Ukraine will sharpen the divide between democracies and autocracies, but also lead to more realpolitik strategic balancing. A key question is what kind of coordination emerges between democracies.

· July 20, 2022