in the media

The Effectiveness of the “Surge”

Carnegie President Jessica T. Mathews appeared on BBC Radio 4’s The World Tonight to discuss the effectiveness of the “surge” in meeting its objectives in Iraq. Mathews argues that while a departure of U.S. troops from Iraq would likely increase violence in the short-term, it remains unclear whether the consequences of staying are better for the U.S. and Iraq in the medium- and long-term.

published by
BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight
 on March 13, 2008

Source: BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight

Carnegie President Jessica T. Mathews appeared on BBC Radio 4’s The World Tonight to discuss the effectiveness of the “surge” in meeting its objectives in Iraq. Mathews argues that while a departure of U.S. troops from Iraq would likely increase violence in the short-term, it remains unclear whether the consequences of staying are better for the U.S. and Iraq in the medium- and long-term. “At the cost of a lot of lives and an enormous amount of money—$12 billion a month—we are basically paying both sides to turn to each other and not to kill us. We are paying Sunni militia, we’re paying Shi’a militia, and that is obviously not a long-term formula for progress.”

Listen to the audio here

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