Source: BBC News
Viewpoints: What Next for Iran There is an uneasy stand-off in Iran after a deadly weekend of clashes, and skirmishes on Monday between police and protestors. Karim Sadjadpour explains that although the protests may be decreasing in size, the force of the opposition is unlikely to calm down; "the demonstrations may decrease in scale, given the regime's ability to limit people's movements in Tehran (which as a city is large and spread out, like Los Angeles) and prevent large masses of people from gathering in the same place. There are already signs that the opposition is entering a new phase. Instead of mass rallies they are now focusing on civil disobedience, including strikes among merchants (bazaris), labourers, and key arteries of the Iranian economy (like the petroleum industry and oil ministry). So while the crowds may not be as large as before, the conflict is certainly far from being resolved."