in the media

Does the Eurozone Have a Future?

Although there is still great concern for the eurozone, the discourse has moved from predicting an immediate downfall a year ago to discussing the necessity of economic reform in the continent.

published by
Polskie Radio
 on June 17, 2013

Source: Polskie Radio

Speaking on Polskie Radio, Carnegie Europe’s Jan Techau discussed the future of the eurozone. He explained that the worst is now over for the Europeans. Even though many problems remain, there has been a shift in the popular perception of the situation, which is in many ways more important than the situation itself. Techau said that although there is still great concern for the eurozone, the discourse has moved from predicting an immediate downfall a year ago to discussing the necessity of economic reform in the continent, more specifically in the south. He warned that the greatest concern right now is France, as stability in Europe depends on the stability of Franco-German cooperation. Techau concluded that despite its failings, the eurozone still remains an attractive model, pointing to Poland’s interest in joining the eurozone as evidence of its continuing appeal.

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