Ukrainian Voices
About the Project

In mainstream Western narratives, Ukraine is often viewed through the geopolitical prism of East-West confrontation. Carnegie’s Ukrainian Voices project aims to foster a more informed understanding of the country’s complex political and social dynamics by spotlighting Ukrainian experts’ insights that combine analysis and personal experiences.

All work from Ukrainian Voices

5 Results
To Return or Not? Ukrainian Women’s Experiences of Internal Displacement

Ukraine’s internally displaced women face a complex dilemma: whether to return home or integrate into their host communities. To promote social cohesion and resilience, government policies should take into account IDPs’ unique experiences and needs.

  • Marnie Howlett
  • Daryna Dvornichenko
· June 26, 2024
Ukrainians’ Unwavering Path Toward the EU

The steadfast support for European integration among Ukrainians is rooted in a perception of the EU as a community of shared democratic principles. The union should leverage its democratic appeal to solidify its role as a catalyst for change beyond its borders.

  • Olga Onuch
· June 13, 2024
Moving Beyond Resilience in Ukraine’s Recovery

For its long-term reconstruction, Ukraine cannot rely solely on the unity and courage of its citizens. Re-creating the country’s security and reforming its institutions will require an open, inclusive national debate about political vulnerabilities and postwar recovery.

  • Anastasiya Leukhina
· December 5, 2023
A Ukrainian Pollster on the Personal and Professional Challenges of Wartime

“We need to stop going to funerals, stop going crazy, stop being afraid of missiles.”

· July 6, 2023
The Resilience and Trauma of Ukraine’s Civil Society

Russia’s invasion has mobilized Ukrainians from all walks of life in pursuit of a common goal. But as the war goes on, the country will have to face new economic, political, and social challenges.

  • Kateryna Zarembo
· June 1, 2023