Iraq’s Development Road: Geopolitics, Rentierism, and Border Connectivity

For the Iraqi government to address skeptics’ views about the Development Road, it will need to focus on several key institutional reforms.

· March 11, 2024
Iran’s Difficult Choices

As Tehran moves toward consolidating its regional power, will it agree to ultimately disarm its Arab allies? Can it afford not to?

· February 28, 2024
Understanding the Energy Drivers of Turkey’s Foreign Policy

Turkey’s dependence on energy imports has an impact on the country’s economic and geopolitical orientation. Turkish leaders should devise energy policies that respond to domestic priorities, regional ambitions, and the challenges posed by climate change.

· February 28, 2024
How Gaza Upset Regional Dynamics

Hamas’s surprise attack on October 7 upended three major developments that had been taking place in the Middle East.

· November 3, 2023
The Yezidi Genocide Nine Years Later

For survivors in the community, the prospect of going home is disappearing because of political inaction.

  • Wladimir van Wilgenburg
· August 22, 2023
Contrary Impulses in Iraqi Shiism Today

Is the community a purveyor of revolutionary change, a defender of the status quo, or a combination of both?

· July 31, 2023