Western Europe
In The Media
in the media
Resuscitating Europe's Defense Industry

A discussion on the urgency of making Europe’s defense industry fit for the demands of today’s security challenges.

· June 21, 2024
Center for a New American Security
Europe’s New Leadership Faces a Teamwork Test

The incoming EU leadership will have to navigate political turbulence and internal power dynamics. Working together as a real team would help in tackling the challenges ahead.

· June 20, 2024
Judy Asks: Is the EU’s Agenda in Jeopardy?

A stronger far-right presence in the European Parliament could put a brake on some EU policies. But the main test to the bloc’s stability and global role may come from the rise of nationalist politics in France and Germany.

· June 13, 2024
In The Media
in the media
The European Union Holds Its Election for Parliament This Weekend

The European Union is the world’s second-biggest democracy — its 27 member states are home to 450 million citizens, and this election is a once-every-five-year event.

· June 6, 2024
Morning Edition (NPR)
In The Media
in the media
A Democracy Shield for Europe?

In one of the most striking campaign pledges so far, Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has announced that she will create a European Democracy Shield if she is re-appointed after the EU elections in June.

· June 5, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Normalizing the Far-Right has Backfired on Migration - Next Will be Climate

The growing number of governing experiments with radical-right parties could put Europe’s democratic institutions at risk.

· June 3, 2024
EU Observer