About the Project

In April and May 2024, India will hold the largest elections in recorded history. Over six weeks, nearly 950 million voters will be eligible to exercise their franchise and determine the composition of the next government as well as the fate of incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). India Elects 2024 presents sober, data-driven research and analysis from the world’s best young India scholars on the key drivers animating this massive democratic exercise. The initiative takes readers beyond the horse race, focusing on deeper questions about India’s political economy.


South Asia

The South Asia Program informs policy debates relating to the region’s security, economy, and political development. From strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific to India’s internal dynamics and U.S. engagement with the region, the program offers in-depth, rigorous research and analysis on South Asia’s most critical challenges.

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Latest work
A Guide to India’s 2024 Elections

Indians will vote in general elections in April–May 2024, for the first time in five years.

All work from India Elects 2024

13 Results
Decoding the 2024 Indian General Elections
June 5, 2024

On June 4, the ballots of roughly 650 million Indian voters will be counted in the culmination of the country’s eighteenth general election. Join this expert panel as they analyze the results of the election and its implications for India’s future. 

  • Rahul Verma
  • Sunetra Choudhury
Why India’s Incumbent Candidates Struggle to Win Elections

Six decades of election data shed light on the hollowing out of political representation in India.

  • Gilles Verniers
· May 17, 2024
How the BJP Wins Over Women

By offering women norm-compliant ways to engage with politics, the ruling BJP has reversed its historic disadvantage with women.

  • Anirvan Chowdhury
· April 26, 2024
India in Modi’s Third Term
April 17, 2024

India will soon hold the largest national election in recorded history and it is likely to keep Prime Minister Narendra Modi in office for a third term. The last ten years in India’s history have witnessed conspicuous transformations. What do the next five years hold for India’s trajectory?

In India, Foreign Policy Is on the 2024 Ballot

In the lead-up to the general elections, India’s rising status on the world stage is a big win for Modi in the eyes of many Indian voters.

· April 12, 2024
What Lies Behind India’s Rising Female Voter Turnout

Despite the progress on women’s turnout heading into the 2024 elections, a persistent gender gap colors many other forms of political engagement.

  • Rithika Kumar
· April 5, 2024
Partisanship’s Striking Resilience in India

Despite wide vote swings and party switching from election to election, India’s 2024 contest may well be decided by the substantial segment of partisan loyalists who offer unwavering support to their parties.

  • Ankita Barthwal
  • Francesca Refsum Jensenius
· March 22, 2024
How Technology Is (and Isn’t) Transforming Election Campaigns in India

Social media and messaging have become influential in Indian electoral politics—but they’re no replacement for in-person campaigning.

  • Shahana Sheikh
· March 7, 2024
A Guide to India’s 2024 Elections

Indians will vote in general elections in April–May 2024, for the first time in five years.

· March 4, 2024
Mapping Muslim Voting Behavior in India

Although Muslims have increasingly voted in a unified way since the 2019 general elections, political and social mobilization highlights divisions along sub-identities like caste and sect.

  • Feyaad Allie
· February 9, 2024