Turkey’s New Disinformation Law Affects More Than Meets the Eye

As President Erdogan and the AKP face an electoral challenge in 2023, a new law tightens government control of social media and news websites. Much will depend on how this law is interpreted and enforced.

· December 19, 2022
Russia’s Wartime Cyber Operations in Ukraine: Military Impacts, Influences, and Implications

Russia’s cyber operations in Ukraine have apparently not had much military impact. This was probably for a multitude of reasons: Russia’s offensive limitations, as well as the defensive efforts of Ukraine and its partners; the particular context of this war, as well as structural features of cyberspace and warfare generally.

· December 16, 2022
Cyber Operations in Ukraine: Russia’s Unmet Expectations

Russia has achieved far less via cyber warfare in Ukraine than many Western observers expected. Many aspects of Moscow's approach to cyber operations have been misunderstood and overlooked.

· December 12, 2022
The Problem With Defining “Disinformation”

Attributing these disputes to the discipline’s infancy is easy. But doing so ignores the fact that the definition of “information” was also once hotly contested. The reasons why pose lessons for countering the spread of falsehood at scale.

· November 10, 2022
Best Practice Guidance For Influence Operations Research: Survey Shows Needs and Challenges

The range of practical ideas offered by respondents suggests a broad interest in tackling these implementation challenges. But respondents’ ideas often lacked detail and sometimes conflicted with each other, indicating that community dialogue about best practices remains at an early stage.

· August 2, 2022
How Western Democracies Can Combat Russia’s Ukraine Disinformation

They should take a page from Putin’s own playbook.

· February 24, 2022