India-China: The Road from Galwan

Thu. March 11th, 2021
Zoom Webinar

The Indian strategic community is in broad agreement that the June 15 Galwan Valley incident — which led to the first deaths at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in 45 years — marks an inexorable decline in India-China ties.

In his new paper 'The Road from Galwan: The Future of India-China Relations,' Vijay Gokhale argues that the unprecedented violence at the border was not as unforeseen as we might expect, but rather, a culmination of growing misperceptions and mistrust between the two Asian giants dating back over a decade.

Mapping Sino-Indian relations across three distinct phases, Vijay Gokhale's paper provides both a historical, as well as a forward-looking perspective on how India and China reached this breaking point — and more importantly, what the road ahead looks like.

In this special edition of our India and the World webinar series, Vijay Gokhale, Srinath Raghavan, and Rudra Chaudhuri unpacked the emerging complexities of a fraught, and fragile, Sino-Indian relationship.

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event speakers

Vijay Gokhale

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Security Studies Program

Vijay Gokhale is a nonresident senior fellow at Carnegie India and the former foreign secretary of India. He has worked extensively on matters relating to the Indo-Pacific region with a special emphasis on Chinese politics and diplomacy.

Srinath Raghavan

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Security Studies Program

Srinath Raghavan is a nonresident senior fellow at Carnegie India. His primary research focus is on the contemporary and historical aspects of India’s foreign and security policies.

Rudra Chaudhuri

Director, Carnegie India

Rudra Chaudhuri is the director of Carnegie India. His research focuses on the diplomatic history of South Asia, contemporary security issues, and the important role of emerging technologies and digital public infrastructure in diplomacy, statecraft, and development. He and his team at Carnegie India chair and convene the Global Technology Summit, co-hosted with the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.