
Addressing China’s Influence in South Asia

Thu. October 28th, 2021
Live Online

In recent years, China’s engagement in South Asia has expanded significantly beyond commercial and development projects to encompass political and security interests. While this interaction  is often guided by the needs of specific countries, even states with relatively robust state institutions and civil society struggle to grapple with the implications of China’s expanded footprint. Those without strong governance remain even more vulnerable to external interference in national affairs. 

Join us for a conversation on Carnegie’s recent paper, China’s Influence in South Asia: Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Four Countries as panelists examine how regional governments in Bangladesh, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka can learn from shared experience to discourage unproductive Chinese actions and influences, and foster the kind of engagement that is in their interest.

event speakers

Asanga Abeyagoonasekera

Asanga Abeyagoonasekera is a geopolitical analyst and serves as senior fellow and strategic adviser on security at the Millennium Project.

Rasheeda Mohamed Didi

Rasheeda Mohamed Didi is an independent researcher and a member of the Higher Education Council of the Maldives.

Pramod Jaiswal

Pramod Jaiswal is a research director at the Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement.

Deep Pal

Visiting Scholar , Asia Program

Deep Pal was a visiting scholar in the Asia program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

M. Masrur Reaz

M. Masrur Reaz is the founder and chairman of Policy Exchange of Bangladesh, a private sector think-tank focusing on applied public policy and market solutions for economic growth.