
Looking Back in Order to Find A Way Forward: Expert Views on Israel and the Occupied Territories

Tue. October 31st, 2023
Live Online

Another high-intensity escalation between Hamas and Israel has left a staggering number of Israelis and Palestinians dead. Conditions in Gaza continue to deteriorate, and the humanitarian crisis grows increasingly dire. Violence is also escalating in the occupied West Bank, protests have erupted across the Middle East and around the world, and the region may be on the verge of multifront conflict. How did we get here and what can be done now? Join us online to discuss the unfolding situation.

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event speakers

Dahlia Scheindlin

Policy Fellow, Century International

Dahlia Scheindlin is a political strategist and a public opinion researcher who has advised on nine national campaigns in Israel and worked on elections, referendums, and public affairs campaigns in 15 other countries over the last 25 years. She is currently a regular columnist for Haaretz (English) and a policy fellow at Century International. In addition to Israel, she has regional expertise in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Cyprus. Dahlia conducts extensive public opinion research for civil society organizations, including joint Israeli-Palestinian surveys.

Zaha Hassan

Fellow, Middle East Program

Zaha Hassan is a human rights lawyer and a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Matthew Duss

The executive vice president at the Center for International Policy.

Matthew Duss is the executive vice president at the Center for International Policy. He served as a foreign-policy advisor to U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders from 2017 to 2022.

Marwan Muasher

Vice President for Studies

Marwan Muasher is vice president for studies at Carnegie, where he oversees research in Washington and Beirut on the Middle East. Muasher served as foreign minister (2002–2004) and deputy prime minister (2004–2005) of Jordan, and his career has spanned the areas of diplomacy, development, civil society, and communications.

Ishaan Tharoor

Ishaan Tharoor is a columnist on the foreign desk of The Washington Post, where he authors the Today’s WorldView newsletter and column. He previously was a senior editor and correspondent at Time magazine.

Maya Berry

Maya Berry is the founder and executive director of Arab American Institute. She was previously the legislative director for U.S. House of Representatives Minority Whip David Bonior. With a deep knowledge of public policymaking, Maya has helped expand AAI’s work on combatting hate crime, protecting the rights of securitized communities, and strengthening our democracy.