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IMGXYZ697IMGZYXOn May 8, the Carnegie Endowment hosted a panel on "Threats to Transition in Afghanistan: Old and New" that included presentations by Ambassador Teresita Schaffer from the Center for Strategic & International Studies, William Maley from the University of New South Wales, and Marvin Weinbaum from the Middle East Institute. Visiting Scholar Frederic Grare moderated the event.
The panel covered multiple threats to Afghanistan arising from ineffectual central government, indifferent state capacity at the local level, and increasing insurgent activity emanating from Taliban sanctuaries in neighboring Pakistan. In their respective presentations, Teresita Schaffer, William Maley,and Marvin Weinbaum, provided an in-depth discussion on the challenges that still exist and what steps must be taken to move Afghanistan forward. After the panelists’ presentations, Frederic Grare invited audience members to join the dialogue.