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American presidents have faced global crises before, from war, to deep economic recessions, the threat of imminent nuclear war, and even global pandemics. How they lead at home and abroad and the decisions they make, have often been defining moments for their presidency and America’s role in the world. What qualities of leadership led to the best outcomes in matters of foreign policy and national security? How did successful leaders deal with the complexity of these challenges?
Join Douglas Brinkley, David Gergen, and Wendy Sherman for a virtual discussion, moderated by Aaron David Miller, on presidential leadership in times of crisis.
To submit a question for the event, please use the YouTube chat, email or tweet at us @CarnegieEndow using #CarnegieConnects.
Douglas Brinkley
Douglas Brinkley is the Katherine Tsanoff Brown Chair in Humanities and Professor of History at Rice University.
David Gergen
David Gergen is a CNN senior political analyst and professor of public service at the Harvard Kennedy School. In the past, he has served as a White House adviser to four U.S. presidents of both parties: Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton.
Aaron David Miller
Aaron David Miller is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, focusing on U.S. foreign policy.
Wendy R. Sherman
Ambassador Wendy R. Sherman is director of the Center for Public Leadership and a professor of the practice of public leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School.