
Can the World Bank Address Global Challenges?

Wed. February 22nd, 2023
Live Online

At a time when development gains are in danger of being reversed, cross-border challenges such as climate change, pandemic disease, and food and energy insecurity have the World Bank scrambling to reconceive how it can continue to pursue its twin goals of eradicating poverty and promoting shared prosperity. In response, the World Bank recently released its Evolution Roadmap, proposing a dramatic expansion of the bank’s mandate and its lending capacity to address global challenges and deliver global public goods. How can the Bank ensure that any new initiatives do not come at the expense of its traditional country assistance programs? How might this shift in mandate shape the relative attention and resources the Bank devotes to middle versus low-income countries? And how can the Bank best use its available resources to support this burgeoning agenda?

Join Carnegie as Stewart Patrick welcomes Amanda Glassman and Zainab Usman for a discussion around the prospect of reforms to the World Bank and its implications for development cooperation.

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event speakers

Amanda Glassman

Glassman is executive vice president and senior fellow at the Center for Global Development and also serves as chief executive officer of CGD Europe. Prior to joining CGD, Glassman was principal technical lead at the Inter-American Development Bank, where she led policy dialogue on health and social protection policies with member countries.

Stewart Patrick

Senior Fellow and Director, Global Order and Institutions Program

Stewart Patrick is a senior fellow and director of the Global Order and Institutions Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His primary areas of research focus are the shifting foundations of world order, the future of American internationalism, and the requirements for effective multilateral cooperation on transnational challenges.

Zainab Usman

Director, Africa Program

Zainab Usman is a senior fellow and inaugural director of the Africa Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.