
International Models for Governing Gaza

Thu. September 19th, 2024
Live Online

Various proposals are circulating for the "day after" in Gaza, many of which envision interim international arrangements to assist with the rehabilitation. International transitional authorities have been established in the past for the administration of war-torn territories, notably the United Nations administrations of Kosovo and East Timor, and the High Representative’s administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

Is an international transitional authority a viable and attractive option for Gaza? What would its mandate be? Would the mission have a defined political horizon (such as Palestinian statehood)? What do the historical parallels tell us? What would be the role of the United Nations and regional parties in such an arrangement? How would the cooperation of the immediately affected parties—Israelis and Palestinians—be achieved? 

Join Paul Dziatkowiec as he moderates an expert panel discussion to explore these issues and others concerning the future of governance in Gaza. 

This event is co-organized by the Middle East Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Oxford University.

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.
event speakers

Mona Ali Khalil

Affiliate, Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict

Mona Ali Khalil is an affiliate of the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict. Ms. Khalil is an internationally respected public international lawyer with thirty years of United Nations and other international legal and diplomatic experience. She obtained an AB in government and an AM in Middle East studies from Harvard University in 1988 and an MS in foreign service and a JD from Georgetown University in 1992.

Limor Yehuda

Senior Research Fellow, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Limor Yehuda is a senior research fellow and leader of the Partnership-Based Israeli-Palestinian Peace project at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute She lectures on transitional justice, diversity, and multiculturalism at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law and is the cochair of the executive board of A Land for All (Two States, One Homeland). 

Amr Hamzawy

Director, Middle East Program

Amr Hamzawy is a senior fellow and the director of the Carnegie Middle East Program. His research and writings focus on governance in the Middle East and North Africa, social vulnerability, and the different roles of governments and civil societies in the region.

Richard Caplan

Professor of International Relations, Oxford University

Richard Caplan is a professor of international relations at Oxford University. His principal research interests are concerned with international organizations and conflict management, with a particular focus on peacekeeping and post-conflict peace- and state-building. 

Paul Dziatkowiec

Director of Mediation and Peace Support, Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Paul Dziatkowiec is the director of mediation and peace support at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. He has also held roles in the Australian diplomatic service and at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, where he was involved in mediation efforts in a number of different conflict settings.