Bader Al-Saif
Nonresident Fellow, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center


Bader Mousa Al-Saif is no longer with the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center.

Bader Mousa Al-Saif was a nonresident fellow at the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, where his research focuses on the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula. Al-Saif is also assistant professor of history at Kuwait University. He holds a Ph.D. with distinction from Georgetown University.

Al-Saif focuses on the modern history and contemporary affairs of the Middle East, namely political and intellectual history, Islamic thought, reform dynamics, transnational trends, and gender studies. Al-Saif is the author of numerous publications, including “Musulman-e Marksisti: The Islamic Modernism of Ali Shariati in Religion vs. Religion” (2017); co-author of  “Higher Education and Contestation in the State of Kuwait After the Arab Spring: Identity Construction and Ideologies of Domination in the American University of Kuwait” (2016); and “Neither Fulul nor Ikhwan: Abdulrahman Yusuf and the Rise of an Alternative Current in Post-Morsi Egypt” (2015). He is the founding president of Al-Saif Consulting, specializing in public policy research, education, women and youth empowerment, and inter-religious dialogue in the Middle East. He has held senior roles in both the private and public sectors in Kuwait.

Al-Saif holds a master of education and a master of theology, both with honors from Harvard University, and a master of law with honors from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Al-Saif graduated summa cum laude from Boston College with a double major in political science and history.

Ph.D., History, Georgetown University, M.A., History, Georgetown University, Ed.M., Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, M.T.S., Theology, Harvard Divinity School, M.A., Law, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, B.A., Political Science and History, Boston College
Arabic, English, Spanish