Frederic Grare
Nonresident Senior Fellow, South Asia Program


Frédéric Grare is senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), where he works on Indo-Pacific issues, and nonresident senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. At Carnegie, his research focuses on Indo-Pacific dynamics, the search for a security architecture, and South Asia Security issues.

Prior to joining Carnegie, Grare served as advisor at the Center for Analysis, forecasting and strategy of the French ministry of foreign affairs, and as head of the Asia bureau at the Directorate for Strategic Affairs in the French Ministry of Defense. He also served at the French embassy in Pakistan and, from 1999 to 2003, as director of the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities in New Delhi.

Grare has written extensively on security issues in Asia, in particular South Asia. His recent books include India Turns East: International Engagement and US-China Rivalry.

PhD, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Advanced Degree, Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques
English, French

All work from Frederic Grare

132 Results
In The Media
in the media
Germany, the Indo-Pacific and the War in Ukraine

Berlin is still in the early phase of its Indo-Pacific journey. While the war in Ukraine has not changed its path, it is Berlin’s relationship with Beijing that will ultimately determine the credibility and depth of its Indo-Pacific engagement.

· November 22, 2022
In the Media
Insight 280: Is India a Maritime Player in the Gulf?

This article explores the economic and political determinants of India’s greater naval involvement in the Gulf region since the turn of the century.

· July 5, 2022
Middle East Institute Singapore
In the Media
A Different Dynamic in EU-India Relations

When India abstained from condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it caused unease in Europe. But the EU should focus on what it can reasonably expect from New Delhi, and that means looking for cooperation on dealing with Beijing not Moscow.

· June 30, 2022
Internationale Politik Quarterly
In the Media
A Question of Balance: India and Europe After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Ultimately the EU should consider its relationship with India in the larger Indo-Pacific context and, for the moment, place any unhappiness at India’s position on Ukraine to one side.

· May 16, 2022
Getting Real About the Indo-Pacific: Redefining European Approach to Maritime Security

The EU has failed to recognize the strategic dimension of its own interventions in the Indo-Pacific and therefore to frame a proper strategy that would consider the interplay of economic interests, resources access and power competitions in the maritime domain.

· March 9, 2022
European Council on Foreign Relations
The Indian Ocean as a New Political and Security Region

An analysis of the emergence of the Indian Ocean as security complex and a strategic space of central importance and its prospective future.

· March 5, 2022
Palgrave Macmillan
In The Media
in the media
Sea Sore: Europe’s Dilemmas in the Indian Ocean

The best security guarantees for the EU’s sea lines of communication lie in the convergence between its interests and those of India and the United States.

· February 15, 2022
In the Media
Corridor To Nowhere: The Gwadar Protests And The Pakistan-China Relationship

The Gwadar protests are more than just a story of manipulation of the food insecurity and frustrations of the local population. They also illustrate the failure of an economic development strategy based on fallacies.

· January 10, 2022
European Council on Foreign Relations
In The Media
in the media
Trumpism by Another Name: What AUKUS Tells Us About US Policy in the Indo-Pacific

The AUKUS move is likely to drive Europeans even more deeply into passivity when it comes to Indo-Pacific security matter.

· October 5, 2021
In the Media
Moving Closer: European Views of the Indo-Pacific

It will likely take more than a strong push from France, Germany, and the Netherlands to ensure that the EU implements a long-term strategy in the Indo-Pacific.

· September 13, 2021
European Council on Foreign Relations