Mark Hibbs
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Nuclear Policy Program


Mark Hibbs is a nonresident senior fellow in Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program, based in Berlin and Bonn, Germany. Before joining Carnegie in 2010 he was an editor and correspondent in the field of nuclear energy, nuclear trade, and nonproliferation. His work appeared in a number of publications, including the Financial Times organization, Nucleonics Week, and Nuclear Fuel, published by the Platts division of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

Hibbs’ research is focused broadly on international nuclear trade and nonproliferation governance in four main areas: the international nuclear trade regime, decisionmaking at the International Atomic Energy Agency, nuclear safeguards and verification, and bilateral nuclear cooperation arrangements.

In 2011 in Brussels, and in 2015 in Vienna, Hibbs chaired two workshops for all participating governments of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the world’s leading multilateral nuclear trade control mechanism. He also authored a Carnegie report, The Future of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, published in 2011.

Hibbs also works on policy concerning the generation of nuclear power. In 2012 Hibbs co-authored with James Acton a report on Why Fukushima Was Preventable. Since 2012, Hibbs has led a project at Carnegie concerning the future of China’s nuclear energy program, its nuclear fuel cycle, and spent fuel management policies. In 2018 Hibbs published the report from this project as a book: The Future of Nuclear Power in China; the Mandarin-language version of this report was published in China in 2019.

In 2014 Hibbs authored a study on Turkey’s policies concerning the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and the Nuclear Suppliers Group as part of a project called Turkey’s Nuclear Future.

Since joining Carnegie Hibbs has also contributed in articles and commentary which have appeared in the New York Times, International Herald Tribune, Chosun Ilbo, Financial Times, Le Monde, Mainichi Shimbun, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Washington Post, and other media. He has also been a frequent contributor to the Arms Control Wonk blog.

MA, Columbia University, BA, Cornell University
Dutch, English, French, German