Miriam Rajkumar
Associate, Non-Proliferation Project


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Miriam Rajkumar supports all aspects of the Non-Proliferation Project, including issue briefs, publications, and the web site. She is also responsible for tracking and analyzing non-proliferation as well as political and security developments in the Middle East and South Asia. She is co-author of Deadly Arsenals, a seminal Carnegie publication that tracks weapons of mass destruction.

Prior to joining the Endowment, Rajkumar worked at Washington Policy and Analysis. There, she participated in the research and analysis of the world oil market, civilian nuclear energy, and the plutonium trade. Previously she was at the Nixon Center, where she worked on the political, security, and economic impact of U.S. policy toward Iran, the security environment in the Persian Gulf, and the pipeline politics of the Caspian Sea. She has also held research positions working on the Middle East at the Brookings Institution and on human rights issues at the United Nations Association of the United States.

Selected Publications: Deadly Arsenals: Tracking Weapons of Mass Destruction, with Joseph Cirincione and Jon Wolfsthal (Carnegie, 2002)

B.A., College of William and Mary; M.A., Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

All work from Miriam Rajkumar

7 Results
Indian Independence

Many U.S. officials and experts are surprised by India’s reluctance to support Iran’s referral to the Security Council. They should not be. Politically, no Indian government can afford to appear subservient to U.S. interests.  New Delhi values an independent foreign policy shaped, as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said, by its own geography, economics and domestic considerations. At a press conference in New York on September 16, Prime Minister Singh pointed out that India is located in the region neighboring Iran, that there are three-and-a-half million Indian workers in the Middle East and that India has the second largest Shiite population in the world, trailing only Iran itself.   “Any flare up would present immense difficulties,” he said. (Read More)

· September 20, 2005
A Nuclear Triumph for India

On Monday July 17, President George W. Bush reversed decades of U.S. nonproliferation policy, stating that India "as a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology, should acquire the same benefits and advantages as other such states," adding that he will "work to achieve full civil nuclear energy cooperation with India as it realizes its goals of promoting nuclear power and achieving energy security." President Bush thus accorded India a much sought-after seat in the "responsible" nuclear club. 

This is a sweeping reversal of U.S. and international nuclear policy. While Washington has passed New Delhi’s litmus test on U.S. good intentions, what does this shift mean for U.S. leadership of global nonproliferation? (Read More)

· July 19, 2005
Proliferation Threat Assessment, 2005
July 12, 2005

A discussion on global proliferation dangers based on the new Carnegie study, Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats.

Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats, <i>Second Edition, Revised and Expanded</i>

The revised and expanded edition ofDeadly Arsenals provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive assessment available on global proliferation dangers, with a critical assessment of international enforcement efforts.

· July 10, 2005
New Leaders, New Directions
June 18, 2001

Carnegie International Non-Proliferation Conference 2001

Listen to Opening Remarks of Jessica Mathews, president of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Proliferation Roundtable with officials from the Foreign Ministry of France
December 15, 2000

Roundtable with officials from the Foreign Ministry of France and outside experts